School based Parenting and Education Awareness (SPEA) Program - 10/05/2019
The school organized SPEA program for parents on 10th May, 2019. The parenting education was conducted to observe Positive Parenting Month and also to create awareness on various positive parenting topics. It was conducted with the parents from all the Chiwogs under Ura gewog as well as parents from the nearby community. The parent turnout rate was amazingly astonishing. Around 120 parents turned up for the program with packed lunch to be taken together with their children.
The program commenced with the welcome speech by the principal, highlighting on the importance of observing the day and conducting such a gathering.
It was then followed by different presentations on different topics. Following were the presenters and a brief overview of their presentation:
Introduction to SPEA – School Counselor
The topic was presented through pictorial presentation. Counselor emphasized on the planned topics based on the findings of Situational Analysis, 2018.
Divorce – Mr. Tshering Dorji
Situational analysis report, 2018 found 38 students belonging to divorced family status. Therefore, the presentation included understanding causes, impacts and consequences of divorce particularly on children.
Conventions on the rights of the child (CRC) – Mrs. Sonam Chezang
The topic “Child Rights” educated parents on the rights of their child and the need to protect and care individuals aged below 18.
Child Abuse – Mr. Sonam Dendup
The presentation revolved around the four types of abuses – physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect. Parents were also informed about the likely abusers and places where abuses commonly take place.
School dropout – Khenpo Tshering Tenzin
Unique to this year’s parenting program was having Khenpo present on the topic. Through the course of presentation, Khenpo advised parents on substance and alcohol use from the religious point of view.
The half day program was successful with good parent turnout. From the total participants, 60.8% of them said that they are attending parenting programme for the first time, 8.5% attending for the second time and 30.7% more than twice. Majority of the participants (82%) of them found the program as helpful.
During the lunch, the school witnessed a huge circle of gathering where parents and students shared their meals together. In a nutshell, the SPEA porgramme was conducted successfully.
– Article by Ms. Tenzin Dema, Counselor