School Development Fund (SDF)
The school collects fee from every child once he/she is admitted as a student of the school for the particular year. The School Development Fund (SDF) is compulsory but the amount differs depending on the level of students; Nu. 200 per child from class IX – X, Nu. 100 per child from class VII – VIII and Nu. 30 per child from class PP – VI. The boarder students pay a sum of Nu. 50 as boarding fee and Nu. 5 is collected from every child as a token fee which is to be submitted to the Dzongkhag revenue account. The school collects a sum of Nu. 100 per child towards expenses for conducting the School ritual and Nu.50 – 100 per child for the school picnic (after discussion with the parents in the parent- teachers meeting).
To supplement the working capital
- To promote the accountability and transparency
- To be used for school developmental activities and for the welfare of the students
- The school fees which comprises of SDF fee, token fee and the boarding fee (Boarder students) shall be collected through the respective class teacher and it shall not be refunded to any students under any circumstances.
- The students who are transferred from other schools need not have to pay their school fees if they produce the receipt paid in their previous school and the day scholar students who become boarder in the course of the academic year must pay their boarding fee to the school.
- All the class teachers must collect the fees from the students and then submit to the SDF committee latest by 20th of February. The text books will not be issued until the fees are submitted by the concerned class teacher.
- The SDF shall be used exclusively for the benefit of students and school in general. No individuals would be entertained from this fund for their personal benefit unless it is approved by the Principal and the SDF committee.
- As the school is far off from the bank and for the convenience of school, the fund/cash shall be kept in the office after being verified by the SDF committee and the principal.
- The concerned staff /in-charges who need to procure materials must put their requisition to the procurement committee in advance to enable them to make the necessary arrangement.
- The procurement committee is responsible with purchase and submission of cash memo duly signed by at least three members of procurement committee.
- The HR committee shall act as an internal auditor for accountability. The team shall monitor the functioning and utilization of SDF.
- The HR Committee shall have the right to guide and recommend for an effective implementation of SDF policy.
- The expenditure and the balance statement would be presented by the SDF coordinator during the coordination meeting (If time permits). The copy would also be displayed on the staff notice board as well as the student notice board for the transparency. The details of expenditure would also be displayed on the notice board of both staff and the students.
Some of the areas where SDF is to be used
- Refreshment:
- Conduct of staff meeting
- Guest / Visitors
- Midterm, trial and home examination
- Purchase of items:
- Electrical items, locks, hinges etc.
- Detergent, brooms, dalda, incense etc.
- For the clubs.
- Prizes
- Champion house/class
- Prizes & certificates for captains/in charges
- For the academic toppers.
- Religious activities:
- Religious activities
- Conduct of special prayer
- Miscellaneous
- During unavoidable circumstances
- Serious sickness (students’ diet)