Student Support Services (SSS)


Students form an important unit of the school’s family during their time in the school. It is important to ensure that all the students avail the educational services to the optimum level. Therefore, student support service is an important program that would cater the services to the needs of our students.


  • To help children to become responsible and productive citizens
  • To assist the students with economically challenged background.
  • To reduce the student dropout from the school.
  • To prepare students for any types of unforeseen risk
  • To provide safe and protective learning environment


  • Identify the students with special needs.
  • Ensure safe, caring and supportive environment (e.g. absence of abuses, bullies, corporal punishment, humiliation, and harassment)
  • Encourage ‘respect for each others’ rights, dignity, and equality.
  • Promote mind training and mindfulness practices as a normal part of school life
  • Promote health and personal hygiene of the students.
  • Provide education on life skill and GNH values and principles to students.
  • Prepare the students for examination and any other academic related task
  • Recommend the needy children for assistance
  • Sensitize the children with the life threatening issues (bad weathers, outbreak of disease)
  • Provide regular guidance and counseling to needy students.
  • Invite parents to discuss the learning experience or progress of their children.
  • Provide remedial and enrichment classes.
  • Attend to the personal, family and emotional problem of a child.

To provide safe and protective learning environment for children, the school should adopt the following strategies

  • The entire classroom has proper ventilation and enough space for 25-30 students.
  • All the classroom furniture are sized to the age of the children
  • Classrooms arrangement should be comfortable for each child to do team work.
  • Classrooms and surroundings are regularly maintained and kept clean.
  • School should have adequate facilities and equipment for games and sports.
  • The concerned teacher should guide and be responsible for the safety of children in any event.
  • Teachers should impose positive disciplining technique.

To provide security to the children, the school should adopt the following strategies:

  • Leave should not be granted to students unless it is genuine and approved by the concerned in-charges/class teacher/parents.
  • The concerned parents should come personally to get their children.
  • The students should send written application signed by parents/guardians in case of dayscholar.
  • The students are prohibited from carrying any objects which are risky and dangerous within school periphery.
  • Prohibit students from consuming intoxicant such as doma, tobacco, smoking or drinking alcohol.
  • Not to involve shopkeepers and parents in buying and selling any risky and intoxicating stuffs to the school children
  • Discourage the staff and students from using filthy and offensive words and actions in school premises.
  • Not involving children in unethical activities such as gambling, prowling, unhealthy relationship etc.
  • The parents are responsible for the safety and security of their children during the holidays.
  • Discourage parents from sending their children for risky works and incompatible meetings and programs.

Roles and responsibilities of the SSS committee

Frame policy on SSS regarding why, what and how the committee would provide the services.

  • Look for donors
  • Define objectives of the SSS
  • Identify activities or services
  • Plan the activities or services identified
  • Implement and monitor the services
  • Record and report the service provided to the school, parents and education authorities.
  • Review and assess services provided for improvement.

Note: SSS committee should be further supported by concerned in-charges like (Health, Kidu, School counselors) through technical and professional career and counseling services.